C7 Corvette Grand Sport Embroidered Floor and Cargo mats
So you just got your new C7 Corvette Grand Sport and you are looking for a way to add some more style and protection to the interior of your new car. Then may I suggest the C7 Corvette Grand Sport Embroidered Floor and Cargo mats to help you accomplish your mission.

There are currently two manufactures that offer Floor mats for the C7 Grand Sport, General Motors came out with 5 different selection of mat and stitching colors. Lloyds mats is the other manufacture and they offers a selection of two different logos with mat color choices and a matching rear cargo mat. So lets looks a little closer to the selection of choices.
The General Motors floor mats come in either a Gray Floor mats with Gray color stitching or a black Color Floor mats with either Black, Grey, Adrenaline Red or Kalahari Stitching. These are a unique set of floor mats with the stitching image of a legendary C2 Grand Sport Corvette on them above the Grand Sport logo.

Lloyd Floor mats have always been know for the high standard when it comes to their floor mat products. With their new Grand Sport floor mats you can truly tell they do not skip a beat. The Floor mats are offered in three mat color choices of Jet, Brownstone and Greystone.

Lloyds mats also give you a choice of a couple different style logo choices, you can get the Grand Sport logo or your can get the Grand Sport Logo with the C7 Cross Flag which they refer to as their double logo.

Lloyds Mats also makes a matching rear cargo mat that also comes in all the same combinations as the front floor mats come in. So If you are looking to crusie in style and protect your new C7 Grand Sport Corvette then check out RPI Designs because they have you covered!
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