C7 Corvette Painted Fuel Rail Covers
Do you want to add a little color under the hood of your C7 Corvette? RPI Designs is the absolute leader when it comes to under hood painted Corvette accessories. Our C7 Corvette Painted Fuel Rail Covers are a great place to start. Take a look at those covers below!

RPI offers these painted fuel rail covers in hundreds of possibly color combinations. All of our custom painted parts are done in house and with top of the line Dupont automotive finishes. Watch for our competitor that uses a very cheap paint alternative. Cheap paint gives you cheap lasting results. Sure it might look okay today, but give it a year.

RPI Designs has been your Corvette painted parts leader for nearly a decade and we have over three decades of combined Corvette painted parts experience. We live by one rule…our parts do not leave the building until we are proud to put our name on them and we would not hesitate to put that particular part on our Corvette.
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